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Energy audits can help you save money and help the environment.!

It’s for  betterment of your organization, society and our nation at the same time!

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency has proved to be a cost effective strategy for building economics without necessarily increasing energy consumption.

Air Audit

Compressed air is a necessary part of most plant operations,but is probably the most inefficient source of energy in the plant.

Power Quality Analysis

Power quality has become an important concern for utility, facility, and consulting engineers in recent years.

Why should you choose ENSUS?

Qualified Professionals

Engineering qualification with professional certifications like BEE certified Energy Auditors and MEDA empanelled Auditor.

Team of Expert Engineer

Our team consist of highly qualified engineers with cutting-edge training and excellent expertise in the field of energy saving.

Just around you

We are all spread in reaching you in Maharashtra and all over in India, so whenever you need, we are all there with our expert solutions.

Solutions for everyone

If you are an Industrial unit, a commercial establishment, a hospital, a hotel or a mall, we help you reduce your electricity Bills

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