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all about what we do

See what can be done to Save Money on Electricity Bills

Energy Management

Energy management includes planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption units.Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection, and cost savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need.


Carbon footprint

Reduce your businesses carbon emissions,save energy and money. Helping your company set a carbon management strategy and targets.


Energy Audits

Mauris rhonchus pretium porttituter.Cras scelerisque commodo odio.Phasellus dolor enim,facibus egestas scelerisque hendreit,aliquet sed lorem.

Water Audits

Mauris rhonchus pretium porttituter.Cras scelerisque commodo odio.Phasellus dolor enim,facibus egestas scelerisque hendreit,aliquet sed lorem.

Air Audits

Mauris rhonchus pretium porttituter.Cras scelerisque commodo odio.Phasellus dolor enim,facibus egestas scelerisque hendreit,aliquet sed lorem.

Power Quality Analysis

Mauris rhonchus pretium porttituter.Cras scelerisque commodo odio.Phasellus dolor enim,facibus egestas scelerisque hendreit,aliquet sed lorem.

green plant

Our Happy Customers

Ensus is very professional in their work, they have helped us to identify loopholes in our energy spendings and adviced us how to save electricity. Make good use of available current also with our water uses too.. this has helped us to cut 25% of our money bills.

Suhas Mundada


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